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About Play Therapy

遊戲治療是協助兒童找到自己,從而了解自己,解決問題。在這個充滿活力的城市, 隨著家庭功能澌漸變化和學術的需要越來越大的壓力,

他們的情感需求,往往被忽視。當孩子面臨障礙,使他很難達到自我實現和價值, 他的內在需要會自動啟動防衛機制, 並且爭取建立他的

孩子的情緒及行為如離群、退縮、壞脾氣、故意對抗頂撞、發白日夢、情緒失控自殘等問題是我們看見表面的反應, 但其實是孩子在

我們深信孩子的行為差異總有背後的原因和需要, 而總有可行的解決方法 。




Play Therapy is a method of helping problem children help themselves. In the process of growing up, most children experience difficult in adjusting themselves to accommodate with the outside world. And as a matter of fact, they do not have sufficient vocabulary and life experience to describe what they are thinking and how they are feeling.

With the change of family function in this dynamic city and growing pressure of academic needs, many children are facing heavy pressure. Their emotional needs may be neglected. When the child reaches a barrier which makes it difficult to achieve the self-realization, the inner need will activate the defense mechanism, which strives to establish their self-concept, to make themselves feel safe.

The maladjusted behavior and emotional problem such as withdrawn, depression, bad temper, day dreaming are the outward expression. Whereas the underlying problem is the anxiety, fear, pressure etc that the child is undergoing.
We believe that every behavior problem must have the underlying reason, and will have possible solutions. 

Research proven that play therapy is the most effective way in helping children’s emotional and maladjusted behavior


                      “ A normalized child, is a child who can find himself, is a child who can own the world"  - Montessori

                                                                                                  "一個正常化的孩子,是擁有世界的孩子,是找到自己的孩子"   - 蒙特梭利



How does it work ?



How can play therapy help the children to help themselves

Who is it for ?

Anxiety Disorder 焦慮症狀

Emotional Problem 情緒問題

Autistic Spectrum 自閉症

Attachment Issue 依附問題

Social Communication 社交障礙



How can play therapy help the brain

© 2015 by KidSoul HK Play Therapy Service


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