兒童遊戲治療 . 情緒支援服務 . 親子教育課程
How does it work?
治療師與孩子,家庭,照顧者和學校建立互信和治療關係。在遊戲中, 孩子可容易地表達自己,它的功能是必不可少的。在安全的環境中,兒童有機會表達自己的感情和問題。當情緒得到抒發、抑鬱得以化解、自信亦能重新建立。他們學會認識自己, 接納自己, 如何表達自己的感覺和培養正面和建設性的思想方式; 學會承擔責任,提高解決問題的能力、同時培養自信心和抗逆力。
The play therapist forms a mutual trusting and therapeutic relationship with the child, family, carers and school. PLAY is the child’s natural medium of self-expression and it’s essential for development. Within the safe environment, the children is given the opportunity to ‘play out ‘ their feelings and problems. With a therapeutic objective, they learn how to express their thoughts and feelings in constructive and positive ways, to accept responsibility, problem-solving and develop self-confidence and core resilience.
“ You can discover about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." - Plato, Greek philosopher