兒童遊戲治療 . 情緒支援服務 . 親子教育課程
The BRAIN has a very complex structure. To keep it simple and apply
to PLAY THERAPY, basically it can be illlustrated with the following:
"遊戲" 協助我們腦部:
1) Create NEW information flow 建立新的思維
BRAIN consists of nerce cells (NEURONS) interconnected by
neural pathways --> They are the Cells that Fire Wire Together -->
PLAY builds new neuron pathways by record new experience
透過遊戲, 建立新的體驗, 同時能夠剌激神經元
2) Calm our mind 平靜我們的情緒
PLAY aids the release of opioids and oxytocin:
* We do not feel aggressive or anxious - we feel calm and psychologically strong
* We have a feeling that everything is well
* We have a deep sense of well-being
* We feel safe
* Our immune system works better
* We are better able to learn
A child can stay calm through PLAY and reflection
3) Connect the rational brain with the emotional system
The Triune Brain
- The Reptilian Brain (Survivial, lower brain)
- The Mammalian Brain (Love, Emotion, Memory - Mid brain)
- **The Rational Brain**
(Thinking, Creation, Problem Solving -> distinguishes us as humans - Higher brain)
WHY Talking is no use for an ‘out of control child’
為什麼說話不能控制頑劣的孩童 ?
* The reptilian brain has taken over 原始大腦控制身體, 自我防衛機制已啟動
* ‘IQ’ is reduced IQ 已下降
PLAY Therapy help the rational brain to co-ordinate with the
emotional systems of the mammalian brain
"遊戲" 協助我們將情緒系統和理性大腦連繫, 有助清晰的思維