兒童遊戲治療 . 情緒支援服務 . 親子教育課程
Our Approach
我們採用非導向性, 以及非批評性的方向, 以兒童為本的藍圖為基礎; 這個方向容許孩子認識真我, 同時表現真我。讓孩子在安全的空間, 透過不同的遊戲和創意藝術抒發情感, 解決他們自身的問題。
我們跟隨Axline * 的原則, 提供一個溫暖,關懷,真摯,陪伴,正向的角色, 信任並尊重孩子的成長過程, 讓他們釋放內在潛能。而事實上透過玩具和創意藝術, 我們可更容易了解孩子的內心世界, 而效果更勝言語交談。
The approach we are using is Non-directive and Non-judgmental. This approach grants the permissiveness for the children to be true to themselves, and it is good to be “Who I am”.
By creating a warm, caring, sincere, supporting and positive character in a safe environment, it allows and encourages children to work toward their own solutions to problem through play.
We execute the child-led approach, with the underlying of Axline’s principle*. We trust and respect the process by allowing the images or emotions in the play therapy room to exert their influence without interference.
By using appropriate toy symbols and creative art, it provides access to the children’s unconscious mind. Children will be better able to increase self-awareness and express their feelings through interaction with the therapist and the toys than through verbalization of their feelings.
Our Mission
Enable children to reach their full potential and well-being by alleviating emotional, social and behaviour problems.